We see Regenerative Agritourism as a social revolution!

Since 2019, we have been working hard to create transformational change for rural islanders in the Pacific.

At Regenerative Vanua we are approaching regenerative agritourism, as a behaviour change and resilience strategy to better connect travellers to rural communities through regenerative agritourism experiences.

We don’t see it as a niche form of tourism.

It’s a social revolution to support more meaningful participation of communities in tourism with the ultimate goal of protecting traditional knowledge and land sovereignty.

This can lead to improving the wellbeing of people based on core values of land, custom, culture, family, community, food, and time to spend connecting to these.

“We are critically engaging with place, creating a positive impact, seeing humans as part of nature, and connecting environmentalism with socio-political processes.”


We are driven to support Vanua’s communities to create practices that prioritise environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and economic viability.
We believe in supporting agricultural practises based on the principles of agroecology and regenerative practices, with the goal of creating a more resilient and equitable food system that supports the health of people and the planet.

  • Earlier this year the Executive Director of Regenerative Vanua was nominated as the Chair for the Pacific Region for the Global Agritourism Network.

  • The development of agritourism standards that are both recognised and accredited by the GSTC is also a Government priority to respond to the increasing numbers of travel companies demonstrating preferential buying treatment for tourism businesses that are certified sustainable by a GSTC Accredited certification body.

  • The Regenerative Agritourism Framework developed by Regenerative Vanua applies key global sustainability standards in addition to regenerative climate resilient agricultural practices, while also validating Regenerative Indigenous Agritourism by verifying Indigenous storytelling for each vanua.

  • Regenerative Vanua won a Global Island Innovations Award in 2022 for its innovative approach to regenerative agritourism in 2021.

  • Regenerative Vanua signed a MoU in 2023 with the Vanuatu Bureau of Standards to act as the organisation responsible for research, training, and support in the development and auditing of Regenerative Agritourism and Food Tourism standards in line with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) criteria for tours and accommodation and Regenerative Standards.

  • The development of standards and a certification program for agritourism aligns with the NSDP (2016-2030) supporting in the protection of the traditional economy, safeguarding the environment, enhancing the wellbeing of our people and increasing our resilience against external threats such as COVID-19 and climate change.

Our achievements so far

Regenerative Vanua is a 3rd party certification organisation that operates as a social good not for profit ensuring Indigenous people in the Pacific have access to high quality certification, training and business development in Regenerative agritourism. 

The Regenerative Agritourism Framework with working definitions, standards, criteria and categories for Regenerative agritourism and Regenerative Indigenous agritourism has a particular focus on:

•protecting and supporting Indigenous land management knowledge systems,

•climate mitigation and adaptation,

•land sovereignty and self determination,

•decolonisation of land and food systems,

•and supporting rural Indigenous livelihoods and wellbeing in the Pacific.

We’re helping build climate smart, resilient regenerative communities to support in the rekindling the connection and regeneration of Vanua.

Make a donation.

The Regenerative Vanua trust is a gift fund listed on the register of Environmental Organisations under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 sub section 30.55 (1) item 6.1.1. Donations of $2 or more will be placed in the Regenerative Vanua trust fund and are tax deductible.
You must be 18 or over to donate.


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